Traditional Five Element Acupuncture
Welcome to Serenity Acupuncture
Your traditional acupuncturist Kelly Richards is fully licensed and insured. She has a diploma in Traditional Five Element Acupuncture (Dip.Ac) and is a member of the Acupuncture Society (MAcS) and the Acupuncture Association (MAA), which is under the umbrella of the British Acupuncture Federation (RBAF). She is also a registered Facial Enhance practitioner FACIALENHANCE® and also has a Diploma in Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology and Pathology and a Level 3 award in Emergency First Aid at Work.
How can acupuncture help you?
Acupuncture is a very old holistic, lots of symptoms and conditions may benefit from acupuncture treatment as well as keeping you healthy. The treatment involves using fine (hair thin) acupuncture needles and sometimes the use of Moxa (a Chinese herb) to stimulate acupuncture points on the body.
An example of areas of focus
Pain and inflammation
Wellbeing and emotional health
Skin problems and allergies
Fertility and pregnancy
Gastric Disorders
Before booking in for a treatment most people like to have a consultation before they start, during this time we can discuss your needs, possible length of treatment and possible results. At Serenity Acupuncture we offer a Free 30 minute consultation at our treatment room which is a private, confidential and relaxing space.
Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. We take the time to carefully prepare personalised acupuncture treatment plans treating the person as a whole.
I am extremely honoured to have spent two years working alongside Paul Adkins in Truro at Positive Acupuncture.
Kelly Richards Dip.Ac, Ba (Hons) Member of the Acupuncture Society (MAcS) and the Acupuncture Association (MAA).
Contact Me
I am a member of The Acupuncture Society (MAcS) and also the Acupuncture Association (MAA).